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Products Made of Recycled Paper Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2006-10-09.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Products Made of Recycled Paper : AVAILABLE TO SELL


Kraft Paper recycled.
Recycled Kraft paper made into pulp then machanically pressed and dried online to get ''kfraft paper reels'' according to order, varies from 12 to 24 BF with 90 to 250 GSM

Listing ID: LA688237
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
1200 tons monthly
Price Funds Per Unit
3,300.00 USD ton

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 269 ) DATE
LW697722 Wanted gift bags and wrapping paper. 2006-11-20 15:38:00
LA696732 Available Paper. 2006-11-16 00:01:00
LW695037 Wanted rejected/used silicone paper and photo paper. 2006-11-09 00:27:00
LA694762 Available Shredded Packing Paper. 2006-11-08 00:44:00
LW691040 Wanted waste paper. 2006-10-22 01:49:00
LW690030 Wanted Newsprint ONP #6 #8 and #9 Over Issue. 2006-10-17 09:47:00
LW689717 Wanted compressed cardboard. 2006-10-16 10:59:00
LA688237 Available Kraft Paper recycled. 2006-10-09 20:39:00
LW686295 Wanted Over Issued News paper/ Over issued Telephone Directory/ Yellow pages. 2006-10-01 17:49:00
LW685301 Wanted rejected/used silicone paper and photo paper. 2006-09-27 01:22:00
LW681895 Wanted NEWSPRINT. 2006-09-11 19:52:00
LW681459 Wanted Yellow Pages and Magasines. 2006-09-09 13:55:00
LW681437 Wanted Newsprint paper . 2006-09-09 10:03:00
LW679484 Wanted slip sheets. 2006-08-29 12:09:00
LA678955 Available scrap ends of paper cores. 2006-08-25 20:18:00
LW677535 Wanted Molded Paper Products. 2006-08-18 09:41:00
LA676960 Available paper mill sludge. 2006-08-15 15:07:00
LW676895 Wanted Box Board and Abitibi Newspaper Prints. 2006-08-15 11:19:00
LW676060 Wanted OCC#11 Old Corrugated Cardboard. 2006-08-09 14:34:00
LA672539 Available HYROD PUILP. 2006-07-18 08:03:00
LA670542 Available HARDY ENVELOPE / MAILER PAPER . 2006-07-05 15:25:00
LA670540 Available HARDY ENVELOPE / MAILER PAPER . 2006-07-05 15:24:00
LA670539 Available HARDY ENVELOPE / MAILER PAPER . 2006-07-05 15:23:00
LA670538 Available W/S SOFTCOVERS --. 2006-07-05 15:22:00
LA670537 Available W/S SOFTCOVERS. 2006-07-05 15:22:00
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